21 Apr 2024

How to Create Functions in MS Sql Database

 Creating functions in Microsoft SQL Server allows you to encapsulate reusable logic that can be called within SQL queries. There are two types of functions in SQL Server: scalar functions and table-valued functions. Here's how you can create both types with examples:

Scalar Function Example:

A scalar function returns a single value based on the input parameters.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AddTwoNumbers ( @Num1 INT, @Num2 INT ) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @Result INT; SET @Result = @Num1 + @Num2; RETURN @Result; END;


  • dbo.AddTwoNumbers is the name of the function.
  • @Num1 and @Num2 are input parameters.
  • RETURNS INT specifies the return data type.
  • Inside the function body, we calculate the sum of @Num1 and @Num2 and return the result.

You can then use this function in SQL queries like any built-in function:

SELECT dbo.AddTwoNumbers(5, 3) AS SumResult; -- Output: 8

Table-Valued Function Example:

A table-valued function returns a result set in the form of a table.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEmployeesByDepartment ( @DepartmentID INT ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName FROM Employees WHERE DepartmentID = @DepartmentID );


  • dbo.GetEmployeesByDepartment is the name of the function.
  • @DepartmentID is the input parameter.
  • RETURNS TABLE specifies that the function returns a table.
  • Inside the function body, we select employee details from the Employees table based on the input DepartmentID.

You can use this function in a SELECT statement to retrieve employee details for a specific department:

SELECT * FROM dbo.GetEmployeesByDepartment(1);

This will return the employee details for the department with DepartmentID = 1.


  • When creating functions, consider the performance impact, especially for table-valued functions, as they can sometimes result in performance issues due to row-by-row processing.
  • Test your functions thoroughly to ensure they produce the expected results and perform well, especially in scenarios with large datasets.

By creating functions in SQL Server, you can modularize your code, improve code reusability, and simplify complex queries.

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